Thanks for stopping by!
I love writing mysteries and getting kids exciting about reading. If you’d like to delve into my writing journey and spy pictures of my office, please click CLUES ABOUT LESLIE.
If you’re a teacher or librarian, I’d love to visit your school in person or virtually. Click FOR TEACHERS for details on my writing workshops for kids.
If you’re a writer, I want to encourage you! Click any of the links under the For Writers tab for great info about writing. I also provide CRITIQUES and EDITING—because I know how important quality input is on the road to publication.
Happy Reading, Writing, and Investigating!

Latest Project
It's official! Charlesbridge MOVES will publish my debut middle grade novel, Moon Girl!
Stay tuned for details.
​Also, Highlights for Children recorded an audio version of my story "The Secret of the Umbrella." ​​​

Would your writing for kids benefit from coaching and/or editing in 2025? Maybe I can help!
Leslie Santamaria